Become a Member
Membership with HHA vests an organization in participating in decision-making over HHA’s policy initiatives and leadership. Currently, HHA’s members own and operate more than 29,000 rooms across the State. Joining HHA as a member is fairly simple. Prospective members need only email Kekoa McClellan at kekoa@hawaiihotelalliance.com or our Administrative Director, Diane Kadomoto, at diane@hawaiihotelalliance.com indicate their interest in membership.
We're excited to grow with you.
HHA has a consistent fee calculation for all members that is charged per property (for each hotel property covered by the membership), factored as a base fee of $500 and $9.50 per room over 50 rooms.
HHA bills Membership fees quarterly, prorating membership fees evenly over the four quarterly billing periods in a calendar year. Fees are due on the first calendar day of each billing period for the respective billing period.
The quarterly per-property membership fee is calculated as:
($500 + ((TOTAL ROOMS-50)*$9.50))/4
For a member with a single 100 room hotel, the quarterly fee would be:
($500 + (100-50)*$9.50))/4 = $243.75
Mahalo again for being a part of the Hawaii Hotel Alliance. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly with questions about membership.
(808) 921-6790